On This Day, July 8th, 1889, the greatest fight of all-time took place.

135 years ago today, the most legendary fight of all time and the final bare knuckle championship fight under the London Prize Ring rules took place. The most notable of these rules, was bare knuckle. John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain would face off for the Police Gazette Diamond Belt, the last time it would be fought for until 2018, but what unfolded will be talked about until the end of time.
3,000 spectators would eventually make their way to the ring before the fight would commence. Rounds would be untimed and the only way a round could end was after a fighter was knocked or thrown (yes it was legal) to the ground.
To tell the entire story of the fight would take a story book. However, this article does a great job, and if you don't have time to read it, here are the footnotes.
Round 1: The opening round would last 15 seconds when Kilrian would throw Sullivan to the ground.
Round 4: The fourth round reportedly lasted 15 minutes (the length of an entire UFC undercard fight).
Round 5/6: Reports vary but it was at this point first blood was drawn when Kilrain hit Sullivan on the ear.
Round 17: Kilrain was knocked down and needed to be carried back to his corner.
Round 30: The fight reached the 1 hour mark.
Round 44: After mixing in whiskey in his between round tea, Sullivan threw up mid-round.
Round 76: Kilrain stumbled towards the centre of the ring to begin the action but cornerman Mike Donovan threw in the sponge much to Kilrain's dismay. Sullivan was declared the winner and was bare knuckle’s last crowned champion for more than 125 years.
Material for this article was provided by Mike Waters from syracuse.com
Photo is Courtesy of: (Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 [LC-USZ62-78647 DLC])